Implementing Wellness Questionnaire Monitoring into your Spreadsheet

Hey everyone, wanted to show you a super simple way to implement wellness questionnaires directly into your training spreadsheets.  First, I highly recommend doing a fair bit of research on the topic, for several reasons.  You need to make sure that what you are asking is appropriate, non invasive, and helpful to your programming.  For

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Using Index / Match for your Strength Template

Index / Match is a simple yet powerful formula that most coaches don't even know exist!At first sight it can be a bit intimidating, but it is very simple to use when its broken down into its smallest pieces.  Check out the video below for more information on how to use it!

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Removing unnecessary "Zero" Values from Excel

Heres a neat trick for you.  So anytime you go to multiply two cells together, using any of the multiplication variables (CEILING, MROUND, FLOOR), it will give you the number you are looking for: 5x5 = 25.But if one of the numbers is zero, or in the case of a strength coach that athlete has

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Calculating multiple weights within one cell.

Hey everyone!Got a great excel tip for coaches to try on their strength and conditioning excel templates.  One issue we all run into is how strict % training can be.  Somedays, 80% just feels heavy!  So you get stuck in a conundrum: you want to give your athletes guidance on the weight to use, but

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Calculating Volume in Excel

Calculating Volume in your excel strength and conditioning template is easy...if you know how to use helper cells! The first thing you need to decide is whether when you enter in your Sets and Reps, you are going to do it with an X in Front of the reps, like this:   If so, we

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MROUND vs Ceiling

MROUND Vs Ceiling Formula These two formulas are the options you have for making your template calculate weights.  Both are entered into Excel the exact same way, but the difference is the MROUND formula will round up or down to the nearest determined decimal, whereas the CEILING formula will round up to the nearest determined

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